terça-feira, maio 09, 2006

Grant McLennan in memorian

Morreu este sábado en Brisbane un dos maiores ourives da música pop. Os seus versos e musicas lévanme acompañando máis de vinte anos coma un fiel e leal compañeiro de pupitre na escola da vida. Vaian estas verbas dunha das súas maiores alfaias coma pequena homenaxe.

Cattle and cane

I recall a schoolboy coming home
through fields of cane
to a house of tin and timber
and in the sky
a rain of falling cinders.
From time to time
the waste memory-wastes
I recall a boy in bigger pants
like everyone
just waiting for a change.
His father’s watch
he left it in the showers.
From time to time
the waste memory-wastes.
I recall a bigger brighter world
a world of books
and silent times in thought.
And then the railroad
The railroad takes him home
through fields of cattle
through fields of cane.
From time to time
the waste memory-wastes
the waste memory-wastes
further, longer higher, older.

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